Meeting Pearls 1
Meeting Pearls Vol 1 (1994).iso
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This directory contains pictures of subranges of the mandelbrot set.
The format is 1140x890x8. They are computed and colored using mandtool,
an interactive program running under SunView at
University of Karlsruhe
Department of Computer Science
Operating Systems Research Group
76128 Karlsruhe / Germany
The filenames represent the hierarchy of subranges where we found these
areas. The top level picture of the whole set is simply named '0', subranges
selected within that picture are named 'a', 'b', 'c' and so on.
Second level subranges selected within 'b' are named 'ba', 'bb' etc. I guess
you got it by now. For keeping names shorter we (or mandtool) always
compresses multiple occurences of the same letter to a count and the letter.
For instance, the name 'abaaaabbc' is compressed to 'ab4a2ba'.
(In this way the '0' represents no letter at all.)
The image size stems from the fact that our sun color frame buffers are
1152 pixels wide by 900 high. Then lose 5 pixel each side for the
SunView frame and you have 1140x890.
The mandelbrot daemon calculates new pictures in the background,
while mandtool is run only occasinally when new pictures have been
calculated by the daemon. The daemon produces only the iteration values that
can be (in this version) as high as 65535=2^15-1. The compression to an
8-bit color map is done interactively in mandtool, a process that still takes
about a minute. The actual color map is also created/modified interactively,
and it is this process of compressing the iteration values and coloring the
image that creates/reveals much of the beauty in the mandelbrot set.
If there are any questions, please e-mail to ukrueger@ira.uka.de
Please note: All these pictures are subranges of the mandelbrot set. There are
no pictures of julia sets in this directory!